Install chassis for the Saberbay/Laredo Sabers GeonObi hilt. Not compatible with any other hilt design.
This is 3D printed in two parts.
Chassis design features a fully removable design that allows easy access to the soundboard and removable battery once fully installed.
The bottom half slides out from the pommel and is reinserted the same way.
The top half is inserted from the top end below the emitter section, and used to keep the red actuators upright and aligned with the hilt. Top half is held in place after installation by screwing back on the hilt emitter.
Parts list required for install:
-CFX, Proffie, GHV4, GHV3
-NPXL shortpin hiltside connector (V3 or ECO)
-6 trace Rotary Chassis PCB set
-Two 6x6x4.3 tactile switches(INCLUDED)
-removable 18650 battery(Option 2 battery contacts included)
-high amp killswitch(optional, recommended)
-28mm bass speaker
Full Parts Package includes:
-choice of sounboard (CFX, ProffieV3.9 or GHV4)
-unassembled NPXL V4 shortpin hiltside connector
-6 Trace Rotary Chassis unassembled PCB set
-removable KeepPower 18650 3000mah 15A battery
-high amp killswitch
-28mm X-BASS 4ohm/3W speaker
Pictures of installed electronics are for reference only.
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