CFX Breakout Board
CFX Breakout Board
CFX Breakout Board
CFX Breakout Board
CFX Breakout Board
CFX Breakout Board

CFX Breakout Board

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Include Short Pins (22 Pins)

A new breakout PCB board for external wiring use with the CFX. 
Please note this is not a soundboard and not to be used as a standalone item for powering/using a saber. Used congruently with a separate CFX soundboard.
This PCB has a matching pin layout that aligns with the pads on a CFX. Requires short pins used on other standard saber install parts such as hilt side connectors and chassis PCB's.
A total of up 22 pins can be used for all available pads, fewer pins can be used depending on your install needs.

Pads are marked by their proper indication to match the pad on the CFX board.
'+' stands for main positive
'-' stands for main negative or ground (Important note: the main negative shares the same trace as the other two common grounds on the board, for a total of 3 pins sharing the main negative)
'SPK' stands for speaker pads (there are two of these)
'TX' stands for the TX pad used for Bluetooth wiring
'RX' stands for the RX pad used for Bluetooth wiring
'V3.3' stands for the A3.3V pad for accents and other lower voltage needs
'L1-2' stands for the L1 and L2 pads used for the neopixel negative wires (the two pins used for L1 and L2 have been internally bridged for less needed wires)
'L3-4' stands for the L3 and L4 pads used for the neopixel negative wires (same reason as the L1-2)
'AUX' stands for the secondary auxiliary switch wiring
'ACT' stands for the main switch wiring
'LS1' stands for the main blade neopixel data line wiring
'LS2' stands for the secondary data line wiring
'A1, A3, A5, and A9' stand for the accent led pads for their respective numbers (A1 is for the first accent LED pad, A3 is for the third, etc.)

There is not a separate pad for common ground wiring, but you can wire directly to the pads used for the ground pins, there are two extra pads for this besides the main negative.

It is highly recommended to also solder the tops of the board pads to the neopixel pins for extra durability and connectivity. You can do this after 'sandwiching' the soundboard together to the breakout board (after ensuring proper alignment), and adding solder to each corresponding pad and 'melting' the solder down to the top of the pin underneath it, making a solid connection.

This can be setup for either USB side or SD card face up orientation for the CFX board.

Breakout board dimensions:

Added height to CFX when 'sandwiched' together, approximately 4.5mm

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