Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)
Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)
Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)
Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)
Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)
Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)
Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)

Variable Chassis Designs (VCD)

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Chassis Size
Chassis Kit Option

Introducing the lineup of Variable Chassis Designs, or VCD. Please make sure to read all information outlined in the description to make sure you order the correct setup for your build. All chassis parts are 3D printed and available in various high quality colors.
This chassis lineup can have multiple uses, and can utilize 4-40 rods that can be cut to various lengths depending on the space available for your install.
Customers also looking for basic sled style chassis can order the main bodies as stand alone options for installs as well.
For added customizations, the wire passage opening between the main body and chassis connector can be used with brass tubing to keep wiring hidden. Brass tubing is not included. The 1" chassis size can accommodate 3.5mm brass tubes and the 1.1" and 1.24" chassis size can accommodate 4.5mm brass tubes.

For Option 1, this includes only the main body chassis intended for use as a sled chassis, however the cutouts are available to add the 4-40 rods and nuts by the end user if they wish. All chassis prints include the removable battery contacts as well.

Option 2 includes the main body chassis as well as the required printed chassis parts for a 6 or 7 Trace rotary chassis connector install setup. Make sure to specify which rotary chassis option (6 trace or 7 trace) is needed for the build.
Option 2 will include the flat side connector holder, as well as multiple holders for the pin side connector to give you as many options to choose from to decide what works best for your build. 
Flat side connector holders have a height of 10mm, so when calculating total install space please make sure to include this in your measurement when also factoring in the length of the main chassis body.
Please note that Option 2 does NOT include the 4-40 threaded rods or nuts

Option 3 includes all of the same parts as Option 2 mentioned above, but with the addition of the 4-40 rods and nuts. Also note that all 1.1" chassis options will include 4 rods and 8 nuts, as opposed to 2 rods and 4 nuts that go with the 1" and 1.24" version.

1"chassis version specs and parts requirements:

-1" outer diameter (must match your hilt's inner diameter space)
-main body length of approx. 136mm
-CFX, Proffie, or GHV4 soundboard
-22mm speaker
-removable KeepPower 18650 protected button top battery (or similar)
-high amp killswitch (optional)
-6 or 7 trace rotary chassis connector set (for Options 2 and 3)
1.1" chassis version specs and parts requirements:

-1.1" outer diameter
-main body length of approx. 87.5mm
-CFX, Proffie, or GHV4 soundboard
-28mm bass speaker
-removable KeepPower 18650 protected button top battery (or similar)
-high amp killswitch (optional)
-6 or 7 trace rotary chassis connector set (for Options 2 and 3)

-1.24" outer diameter
-main body length of approx. 97mm
-CFX, Proffie, or GHV4 soundboard
-28mm bass speaker
-removable KeepPower 18650 protected button top battery (or similar)
-high amp killswitch (optional)
-6 or 7 trace rotary chassis connector set (for Options 2 and 3)

Customers are responsible for their own installations and proper assembly of chassis builds including correct orientation of using the threaded rods and nuts. It is recommended for extra security to add some Loctite to the threaded ends to help keep the nuts in place for extra durability. 
Users will be required to cut their own threaded rods to length depending on their specific builds requirements.
Customers must have their own means of securing the pin side chassis connector holder inside of their hilt, I recommend some type of set screw for retention.

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