A custom saber design inspired by various LOTR references, made by 89Sabers.
Each option includes a blade plug, removable shroud, translucent colored ring adornment with shine-through capabilities, and a custom brass part that can be used in place of the shroud.
Setup for two button configurations, emitter size takes 1" blades.
Please read in full before purchasing:
This saber comes fully installed by 89Sabers using ProffieV3.9. The saber will have a fully functioning setup and include pre-installed soundfonts and configurations.
Please do NOT edit the soundboard unless you have knowledge of how to edit Proffie as it is an open source soundboard.
Key parts specs:
-Removable 18650 protected high amp battery
-22mm bass speaker
-killswitch enabled for cycling power
-Includes neopixel blade to match emitter size
Ordering Options:
'Fully Installed Ships From Saberbay' means that the product is stocked here locally and will ship directly from me to you.
'Fully Installed Ships from 89Sabers' means that the product is not stocked here locally and will ship direct to you from China. Longer processing and delivery times should be expected.
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