‘Sabered Hand’ Kelleran Beq Saber DIY Kit
‘Sabered Hand’ Kelleran Beq Saber DIY Kit
‘Sabered Hand’ Kelleran Beq Saber DIY Kit
‘Sabered Hand’ Kelleran Beq Saber DIY Kit
‘Sabered Hand’ Kelleran Beq Saber DIY Kit

‘Sabered Hand’ Kelleran Beq Saber DIY Kit

Regular price $409.00 Sale price$205.00 Save $204.00
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This is the 'Sabered Hand', Kelleran Beq's main saber as seen in the Mandalorian show of season 3. This comes as an empty DIY ready for your own personal installation or to have installed by a third party. This item does not come fully installed or include any parts not listed or shown here.
Hilt features:
-Silver anodizing for the main body and pommel areas, with black anodizing in the recessed sections
-hidden pommel sound venting
-polished brass in the pommel, blade plug decor and jewel shinethrough greeblie piece
-1" blade socket, with total blade depth of 67.6mm
-two switch function using black and red anodized knurled actuators
-brushed aluminum finish for emitter section
-shine through areas next to bargraph for an accent LED, and jeweled shine through piece on emitter section for blade color shinethrough
-includes functional 10 segment red bargraph and matching socket for installation (Please note that you will need the designated chassis design to hold the bargraph for display)
*bargraph accent LED's are polarity specific and have a forward voltage of 2.2V at 20mah*

Listing will include the empty saber, working bargraph set, 1" blade plug, blade retention wrench, and collector's box designed by Christian Cruz.